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Austin, Texas, United States
Allana Lavenue is the owner and operator of Allana Lavenue Interiors, a residential and small-scale commercial design firm specializing in contemporary and sustainable interiors.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Bath Time before the Final Four

Chance was getting a little stinky and was very much due for a bath. Andria and Ash were coming over a little bit later for the Final Four games (Marsh and Ash are basketball junkies), so with the perfect weather yesterday afternoon, it seemed an ideal time to get clean .....so we went for it. Chance is pretty good about getting a bath. He doesn't seem to despise the whole activity, but rather puts up with it. What he does love, though, is showing off afterwards (see catwalk pose above :) ....he's a handsome boy, eh?? .....Before the games yesterday, we pretty much had a morning and early afternoon devoted to cleaning at our rental home ....we were lucky enough to sell our house last fall (anticipating our move this summer to Austin) and were even luckier to find a home in the same neighborhood to rent until it was time to head to the heat .....uggghhh.......let's not think about that right now!! ....Anyway, Marsh and Ash let the games begin and appropriately situated the furniture (see below):
....I just found a video on JibJab entitled "Why Women Hate Sports" ....pretty funny ...it pretty much explains the way Andria and I felt yesterday evening. I'm going to try and post it, so wish me luck as I haven't tackled posting any video yet. .....Anyway, I do know this: the championship game will be between Kansas and Memphis. Honestly, I could really care less who wins, but our neighborhood friend Kay is a Kansas fan and I just love her .....so, I'll root for Kansas just for her. Other than that, if the Packers aren't playing, I don't care :) .....so, Andria and I had fun taking pictures and reminiscing about who knows what (as sisters do) while the final four freaks didn't budge (literally) for hours ......go figure.....

Andria looking cute!

Allana looking tall (ha, ha ....sorry, Andria ....I am taller than you, but you shouldn't slouch!)

Picture time with Chance and Harlow (two very unwilling participants in our fun!)

Random candle pictures ....I LOVE them ....something you can't possibly have too many of....

I got up on the kitchen counter like a crazy woman for this shot ....not bad for an amateur :)

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