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Austin, Texas, United States
Allana Lavenue is the owner and operator of Allana Lavenue Interiors, a residential and small-scale commercial design firm specializing in contemporary and sustainable interiors.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A few more 3/28/04 Wedding Weekend photos...

...oops, hang in there with me as I figure out the "how to" of it all ....I still don't have an account for the slideshow, but all in good time ....I meant to add a couple more photos to my last post, but had technical difficulties and basically got kicked out before I was finished .....so here they are:

....the perfect setting.....inside and out..........

...the stone on this fireplace must have been 50 feet high .....really......

....strapping lads, eh??? (especially the chap in the middle!)

Patt and Al, my (our) amazing parents....I love this photo....

We would never forget about you, Chance (my sweet, sweet boy)

..and that was everyone.......no, really!!.....a small wedding = a stress free wedding ;

fun in the snow afterwards....of course I'm all time QB (you wouldn't take Favre out of the game, now would you???)

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