About Us

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Austin, Texas, United States
Allana Lavenue is the owner and operator of Allana Lavenue Interiors, a residential and small-scale commercial design firm specializing in contemporary and sustainable interiors.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Here we go.....

I certainly like to write and love to talk (just ask my husband), but I never thought I would have a blog. Well, I became inspired from the past, so to speak. A random search lead to a thought about my past --which then lead me to a woman's blog (it made an impression on me, you see) .....and it got me thinking about a number of things including how often we don't take the time to document, through pictures, what is going on in our lives .....and what better way to share with family and friends your life than through pictures and perhaps a blog .....and now with everything digital and at your fingertips (literally), there is no excuse not to dive on into the digital age --at least not for me any longer! Also, we will be making a BIG move this spring from Colorado to Austin, Texas .....this is worth documenting! I won't go into any detail yet as I believe the pictures will ultimately speak for themselves ......and with anything in life, there will be a yin and yang to it all I'm sure ......thank God for top-shelf tequila and margaritas, that's all I can say about it right now when I picture the upcoming event :) .......not too shabby for a late-night first-blog-ever effort ..... us working folk have to get up in the mornin' .......g-night for now ......zzzzzzzzz

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