Okay, to say that we are going to miss the neighborhood we've been living in (on and off) for eight years is an understatement. We have met some amazing people here in Prospect (http://www.prospectnewtown.com/ ) ...it's a New Urbanism community and has had a lot to offer us in terms of a great lifestyle experience. But, more than anything, we will miss the people and all of the friends we have made during our time here. Our neighbor Kay hosted our going away party last night with help from Barry and Nikki ...you guys are beyond fabulous and you most certainly know how to throw one heck of a party, let me tell you!! I can hardly keep up ;) ....well, sometimes... Anyway, thanks again!!! You better visit us in Austin!! (though I'm sure we'll be back often, that's no excuse!) .....
....We had quite the feast as well with both chicken and lamb gyros AND an outdoor bar. Someone that didn't get invited must have been jealous (although Kay definitely made an effort to invite and inform many neighbors of the event) as the cops showed up at the front door to report a "noise complaint" ....at 10:30 on a Friday night!! Uh,....yeah.....it's Friday??? ....yeah, you should maybe try having a little fun yourself, buddy!! ....Other than this brief incident, things went swimmingly ;) ....what a good time with such fun friends that we will miss terribly.
Everyone enjoying the party and Kay's beautiful backyard.....
...Yes, the 80's ARE still very cool, thanks for asking......
my sweetie and me ...xxoo
...So, I as usual did not get nearly as many pictures as I'd like, but I know for a fact Nikki took a ton and I'm hoping to get them so I can put up a slideshow. We shall see, I'm just trying to keep current with the blogging as our move next week will put me behind once again I'm sure ....anyway, I can't say enough how lucky we are to have had such great neighbors and friends during our time here .....stay in touch, each and every one of you, okay??? ....Know you will be missed .....