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Austin, Texas, United States
Allana Lavenue is the owner and operator of Allana Lavenue Interiors, a residential and small-scale commercial design firm specializing in contemporary and sustainable interiors.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Annual Spring Spread ...and more goodbyes

Matt and Shamane held their annual "Spring Spread" on Sunday and it was the usual: way, way, way too much fun!! As you can see, Logan even helped himself to a beer. He is the cute offspring of their neighbors, Chris and Wendy. This was also somewhat of a going-away party for Marsh and I and as a result, Marsh, myself, Andria, and Ash all spent the night (had too ;) ......This time, we even started a dance party later in the evening in the garage of all places ....I WISH I had pictures of that, but I'm sad to say I don't. We were all pulling out our best moves, needless to say. Matt and Shamane gave us a card that almost made me cry .....but I'm not going to get sad just yet. We are spending our last couple of nights in Boulder with them as the movers haul our stuff down to Texas, so I'll save my tears for then. ....I'm still waiting on some great pics from Matt that I'll turn into a slideshow, but here's some fun stuff we did manage to capture:Shamane, Andrew, and I getting the party started!

Getting crazy early.........

Andrew and I in a reenactment of sorts (comment if you'd like an explanation ;)

Ash pulled this "Mick Jagger" get-up and pose out of nowhere .........wow...........

Stop cleaning, Grandma ....I mean, Matt!

Me and Dale chillin' ...

Andria and Ash ....too cute!! (yes, it is, Andria!)

Marsh and I showing our fondness for and affection towards one another :)

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