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Austin, Texas, United States
Allana Lavenue is the owner and operator of Allana Lavenue Interiors, a residential and small-scale commercial design firm specializing in contemporary and sustainable interiors.

Friday, May 30, 2008

On a winning streak

Let me just say, winning really IS sweet!!! Our trivia team won again this past Wednesday night at Tusk (http://www.tusklounge.com/ ) .....four weeks in a row now!! Although, I can only attest to participating for two of the four (the first week and this past week)....however, I did come up with the winning team name that I will not share on this blog ;)
The winners: Eric, Kay, Rob, Tracy, Nikki, and me!

....This is a uniquely fun weekly event ....yet again, something more to miss. However, I'm pretty sure they have trivia of some sort in Austin, I'll just have to brush up on my "southern" facts (now that will be a challenge!). We have had an all female team that just keeps tryin' to be us, I mean beat us (.....wait a minute, or do I???), but no such luck, ladies ......You know what they say, if at first you don't succeed ... ;)

...the Enemy #1.... (I'm not 100% sure of every one's name, so I'll just stick with "the Enemy"!)

Our fantastic neighborhood bartenders, John and Chris

late night fun with Tracy (somehow, we always manage to stay out and up WAY too late, don't we, Tracy??!!)

.....there was a bit of a late night incident this victory evening at Tusk involving a bottle being thrown into an expensive vehicle and a man on something much more serious than alcohol eventually being hauled away by the police after the last patrons (which, of course, included myself and Tracy) were questioned. ....Hey, geez, I mean, I'm sorry you didn't win trivia, but maybe you should have stayed in school!! .....Needless to say, I ran home :)

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