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Austin, Texas, United States
Allana Lavenue is the owner and operator of Allana Lavenue Interiors, a residential and small-scale commercial design firm specializing in contemporary and sustainable interiors.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Evening at The Oasis on Lake Travis

our view from an upper deck at The Oasis

Last Sunday evening, we had dinner at the Oasis ( http://www.oasis-austin.com/ ) on Lake Travis. It is a happening place to drink margaritas, eat dinner, and watch the sunset here in Austin and can get crowded, but if you show up at a decent time, it's not so hard to get a table. Anyway, I was missing "nature views" now that we are city dwellers and insisted we head out to the lake for dinner. The building has an old world Spanish feel with multiple stories and interesting, ethnic decor. I really liked this chandelier in the entry way near the host stand:

...and here's a taste of the architecture (exterior):

....The food here is pretty good, but it is definitely the view and the ambiance that attracts people here for sure. Marsh and I had Collin take a photo of us out front in front of the fountain and sculpture of swimming turtles.

....But I think my favorite artistic piece here had to be, by far, the three monkeys in the well-known "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil..." pose.

My mom had a much smaller tabletop version of this in marble growing up with this same depiction and used to say that each of us triplets represented one of these monkeys. I think I was the "see no evil", Andria was "speak no evil", and David was "hear no evil", but I don't remember......and I think the monkeys were switched around in her version. We ALL probably should have been "speak no evil" since none of us knows when to shut up ;) .... Nevertheless, these guys were nostalgic for me and I had to get a picture on the way out. It was a gorgeous, hot Austin evening and I was happy for the change of scenery....

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