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Austin, Texas, United States
Allana Lavenue is the owner and operator of Allana Lavenue Interiors, a residential and small-scale commercial design firm specializing in contemporary and sustainable interiors.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

A final win...

Kay, Nikki, Tracy, myself, Rob, and Jeff in one final moment of trivia glory at Tusk!

...Yes, I'm still updating the blog for June and yes, it is late. .....If all goes as planned, I will crank out the pictures and events in June tomorrow and be "current" with the blog as we unpacked darn close to our final box yesterday (a good feeling indeed). I couldn't help but post about our Prospect Trivia team's final win before our departure. After we stuffed ourselves with pizza at Proto's celebrating Collin's graduation, we decided to stop in at Tusk one last time and it was, of course, trivia night. ....I had to join my teammates and see if we could pull out another win. ....The good news is we were able to accomplish this goal. ....The bad news: the team has since been defeated, has broken up, and may never return!!! .....A true sadness washes over me as I share this depressing news .....There is talk, however, of the forming of a trivia team here in Austin composed of myself, Marsh, and several of his coworkers. ....I'm sure it will be fun, but can we repeat the five week winning streak of my former Colorado team??? .....I think I'm going to cry (myself to sleep, that is ....)

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